Contract Development

Expert developers to grow your team

Unlike with traditional freelancers or contractors, our fractional roles allow your team to work with and rely on us as if we were a permanent full-timer, with none of the hassle of being an employer.

Sure we might work fewer days per week, but you can trust and work with us on your product development as you would with anyone else on the team.

This kind of long-term but part-time role is where Ion Technologies can have the most impact on our clients.

The long-term nature;

  • Amortizes the initial cost of getting familiar with the people, the domain, and the systems, reducing cost
  • Allows us to use our soft influence to incrementally guide the team towards more effective delivery, improving long-term outcomes
  • Gives confidence that we’re going to bear the consequences of our decisions, rather than creating complexity for someone else to deal with later

The part-time nature;

  • Means that we’re not ‘taking over’ from an existing development team, leaving plenty of space for them to learn and grow as well
  • Keeps us focussed on the high impact key issues that benefit most from our attention
  • Mitigates the cost impact of full-time senior contractor rates

This model can benefit smaller start-ups looking for some technical leadership and support, as well as more established teams looking for an injection of ideas and engineering muscle.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you think we could add value to your team